2017. február 26., vasárnap

Things From The Net

A site with wide selection of trendy fashion style women's clothing, especially swimwear in all kinds which costs at an affordable price.: High Waisted Caged Bikini - BLACK L:


Mythical Animal Jewelry That I Make Using Various Minerals And Polymer Clay:


gorgeous archway shelf  http://rstyle.me/n/vg5iepdpe Maybe could be made from cardboard and paper spray painted.mmmmmm:


These donut pillows look good enough to eat! Their fun and bright colors would be a welcome addition to any home.:


Könyves ékszerek


This cuff bracelet is made from the actual spine of a vintage copy of The Oxford Book of Death. The spine is black with a gold border and gold:

cuffs from books by Melody Elizabeth... LOVE these:

book spine cuffs...NO LINK just pic...:

book spine cuffs: